I'm passionate about the uplifting benefits of nature & art

Life's taught me that it's vital for our long-term wellbeing to make time for the things that bring us joy. Those things that somehow linger perpetually in last place on our bottomless to-do lists.
At the time, I had no idea. But picking up a paintbrush after 7 long years without painting has ended up being a lifesaver for me. Over and over again.
Within two years of teaching myself to paint, I won a prestigious Gold Medal from the Royal Horticultural Society for Botanical Art.
And I quit my 'sensible' job to follow my passion.
I'm passionate about the uplifting benefits of nature & art
Life's taught me that it's vital for our long-term wellbeing to make time for the things that bring us joy. Those things that somehow linger perpetually in last place on our bottomless to-do lists.
At the time, I had no idea. But picking up a paintbrush after 7 long years without painting has ended up being a lifesaver for me. Over and over again.
Within two years of teaching myself to paint, I won a prestigious Gold Medal from the Royal Horticultural Society for Botanical Art.
And I quit my 'sensible' job to follow my passion.

None of us can know where our brushstrokes will lead us.
Mine have taken me to places I hadn’t dared to dream of.
Like sell-out exhibitions at the Chelsea Flower Show. I’ve taught and exhibited in the US. I have paintings in the renowned RHS Lindley Library Collection and the Shirley Sherwood Collection. I’ve taken commissions from many wonderful people and my artwork hangs on the walls of royals and celebrities.
I’ve had two books published with Search Press: The Modern Flower Painter and Anna Mason’s Watercolour World. I write articles for magazines, including Artists & Illustrators, and I also write extensively on my blog.

My art on the cover of Artists & Illustrators magazine

Me exhibiting at Chelsea Flower Show in 2013
Is that really watercolour?
I hear this question a lot.
Three things that surprise people about my realistic artwork:
1) That they’re paintings, not photographs
2) That they were done in watercolour. Isn’t watercolour normally wishy-washy?
3) That the method I follow is something I share for free, and which anybody can learn
I didn’t go to art school. The watercolour method I use is entirely self-taught. Working on my own, at my dining table, I developed a four-step painting process which works every time, whatever the subject.

Apple 'Acme'

Orchid 'Taiwan Glory'

Ginkgo biloba
I couldn’t keep this to myself.
Knowing how many people in the world wish they could paint but believe they can’t, I’ve made it my mission to prove to them that with my method, they can.
So I share it, for free, in a step-by-step video class that’s become known as “the pear class”.
Tens of thousands of people around the world have tried it and been stunned to learn that they can indeed paint well.
Those who want to take their skills further can join my online art school and community, Nature Studio, which I founded in 2014.
It’s been my privilege to nurture the inner artist of over 15,000 people from 100 countries, and I continue to pour my heart and soul into making Nature Studio the place to go for anybody who wants to grow as an artist, even absolute beginners.
It runs much deeper than we realise.
Contrary to popular belief, learning the artistic skills is actually the easy part. The hard work happens deeper down.
As children, making art is a big part of our lives. But as the years roll by and we get caught up in the demands of adult life, we become increasingly removed from that core artistic part of ourselves.
Rekindling that connection requires us to wear our vulnerability on the outside.
It’s about saying ‘yes’ to something we said ‘no’ to for too long and opening ourselves up to making mistakes and not being perfect.
When we're brave, we reap the rewards
Science tells us that spending time on joy-giving activities is known to create physical changes in our brains. We also know from neuroscience that engaging with nature, especially appreciating nature’s beauty, can help to ‘hardwire happiness’ into our brains. This is believed to nurture our ‘inner strengths’ and help us to be resilient when unexpected misfortunes strike.
I’ve heard evidence of this time and again from my students. When I’ve discussed these topics on my blog (where I share details of the scientific backing), many people leave comments sharing their own stories.
And I know it all too well myself.
Life isn’t always sunshine and flowers…
I live with my young family in the Surrey Hills in England, surrounded by lush countryside and colourful gardens.
That may sound very ‘chocolate box’, but the truth is, things weren’t always rosy.
I have a lot to be grateful for, but I’ve endured my share of life’s challenges.
Like an abusive first marriage. Getting thyroid cancer in my late 20s. And going through the trials of IVF in my 30s.

Then in 2024 came my biggest challenge ever.
My world was turned upside down in a heartbeat when my beloved soulmate Phil died totally suddenly.
Instantly I became a widow and super-strong single parent to my two young children.
I’ve had to become one of life’s survivors
Had I not taken up painting in my twenties, I know those dark times would have felt so. Much. Harder. Through it all, painting has been my constant.
No matter how hard things were, however broken I’ve felt, I have always, always found comfort, peace and healing from using my paintbrush.
It’s no exaggeration to say that I truly don’t know how I’d have coped without painting.
I’m deeply grateful for the inner sanctuary that painting has become for me. When I pick up my brush, I can instantly check into my happy place. I can feel joy, process my thoughts, or just be.
We all need our own inner sanctuary. That’s why I’m devoted to helping others to cultivate theirs, through the act of painting and experience of joy. And it's never too late to start.

It is still a beautiful world.
Phil's favourite poem, Desiderata, contains the line 'It is still a beautiful world' and that has become my mantra as I have navigated this most emotional and challenging time.
Slowing down with my art and feeling gratitude for the beauty in nature and all the good still in my life has been a real source of peace & calm to me. And every time I paint I can hear Phil, who was also an artist, cheering me on to share beauty & love with the wider world.
We can all choose to be brave.
I wouldn't be any kind of teacher if I didn't practice what I preach. It's felt vulnerable, but recently I've been sharing my artistic explorations into new styles.
During this season of my life where my two young children need me a lot, I'm finding that painting more expressively, in a 'line and wash' style, helps me to be a more productive artist. It also feels fun and freeing.
When your reputation as an artist is based on one style but you share your work in another, it's scary. But the response has been incredible. Nature Studio members asked for classes in this new style, and since I released them, they've been massively popular.
Being brave has been liberating. People have not only understood, but embraced the lesson I've learned: that it's OK to work in more than one artistic style. In fact, it's part of being creative.
Exploring something new doesn't mean turning your back on what you love.

Let’s connect.
If you’re looking to collaborate, if you want to commission me to paint or write something for you, or if you’d like to license my artwork, drop me an email with the details.
Be the first to hear my news and read my latest blog posts by joining my mailing list. You can sign up in the form at the bottom of this page.

Here’s more you can explore...
- To discover your artistic potential and start reaping the benefits of painting, take my free watercolour class and have a go at painting “the pear”.
- Explore my online School and community Nature Studio and see the jaw dropping transformation stories shared by real life members
- Read more about my journey to becoming an artist
- Here's where you can check out my books.
- Have a browse of my popular blog
- If you want to buy prints of my artwork, visit my online shop
- Email me if you’re looking to buy any of my original paintings.
Thanks so much for stopping by to get to know me. I hope you'll stay in touch.
With love,